1 总体设计
+----------------+ +-----------------+ +------------------+
| | | | | |
| elink cloud | | debug monitor | | debug webpage |
| | | python | | js |
| | | | | |
+----------------+ +-----------------+ +------------------+
\ | |
\ | tcp |
\ | restapi |
+-----+ \ v | +-----+
| | +----------------+ +---------+ +---------+ | | |
| | | gateway_agent | | monitor | | clp | | | |
| | | (mqtt) | | (8192) | | | | | |
| | +----------------+ +---------+ +---------+ | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | m |
| | v v | | e |
| | +--------------------------------------+ | | s |
| | | | | | s |
| | +----> | rule engine | | | a |
| | | | | | | g |
| | | +--------------------------------------+ | | e |
| | | | ^ | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | message queue | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | +---------------------------+ | | |
| | | | | payload | | | |
| log | | | | ----------------------- | | |utils|
| | | | | rule,class,instance,scene | | | |
| | | | +---------------------------+ | | |
| | | | ^ | | |
| | | | \ | | |
| | | | \ | | |
| | | v \ | | |
| | | +-----------------+ +---------------------+ | | |
| | | | clipscpp | | datachannel | | | |
| | | +-----------------+ | ------------------- | | | |
| | | | clips core | | device, cloud, app | | | |
| | | +-----------------+ +---------------------+ | | |
| | | ^ ^ | | |
| | | / \ | | |
| | | / \ | | |
| | | / \ v | |
| | +-----------------+ +----------------+ +---------------+ | |
| | | sql table | | device manager | | http handler | | |
| | | | | hu | | (8899) | | |
| | +-----------------+ +----------------+ +---------------+ | |
+-----+ ^ ^ ^ ^ +-----+
not | | | |
----\--------------------+ | | +----------------------
/ +---------------+ +-------------+ \
/ | | \
+--------------+ | +---------------------+ | +------------+
| | ocf | | ipc system | | ocf | |
| dev profiles | | | process | | | ocf device |
| | coap | +---------------------+ | coap | |
+--------------+ | | | +------------+
| | |
+----------------+ | +--------------+
| konke bridge | <-----+-----> | hue bridge |
+----------------+ fork fork +--------------+
| |
| tcp | alljoy
| |
+---------------+ +---------------+
| konke gateway | | hue gateway |
+---------------+ +---------------+
| |
| zigbee unkown |
| |
***************** *********
****** sos ****** *** ***
*** lightctrol red *** * light *
* smartplug * *** ***
*** scenectrol envsonsor *** *********
****** ******
2 日志系统
规则引擎重要的一个功能就是将用户配置的规则文本转换为clp脚本, 而调试clp脚本需要好的工具 , 将clp脚本的调试日志输出到统一的日志系统中是必然要做的.
作为日志缓冲, 即ring buffer
, 所有模块均可往这buffer中写入, 日志 的最终输出采用多通道方式, 可以需要依次输出到终端, 文件或者网络.
+-------------------+ +----------------+ | RingBuffer |
| MessageHandler | | DataSink | ---->|-----------------------|
|-------------------| |----------------| / | mBufHead |
| mMessageQueue | | mRingBuffer |-------/ | mBufLength |
| mMessageHandler | | m_dataSize | mRingBuffer |-----------------------|
|-------------------| |----------------| | get[Write/Read]Head |
| handleMessage | | onDataArrive | | submit[Write/Read] |
+-------------------+ +----------------+ +-----------------------+
△ △ ^
| | |
+-----------+-----------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| +------------+ |
| | | |
+-----------------+ | | |
+-------> | LogPool | v | |
| |-----------------| mFilterHead +-----------+ | |
| | mFilterHead |◇ -------------------------------->| LogFilter | | |
| |-----------------| |-----------| | |
| | attachFilter | | m_next |◇ ----+ |
| | detachFilter | |-----------| m_next |
| | | | pushBlock | |
| | onDataArrive | +-----------+ |
| | receiveData | △ △ △ |
| | | | | | |
| | handleMessage | | | | |
| +-----------------+ +----------------------+ | +-----------------------+ |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| +-----------+ +-----------------+ +----------------+ +-----------------+ |
| | LogThread | | ConsoleFilter | | FileFilter | | NetworkFilter | |
| |-----------| |-----------------| |----------------| |-----------------| |
| | | | | | | | | |
| Create |-----------| | pushBlock | | pushBlock | | pushBlock | |
+---------| run | +-----------------+ +----------------+ +-----------------+ |
+-----------+ |
| |
| |
| |
▽ |
+----------------------+ +---------------+ |
| MessageLooper | | Logger | |
|----------------------| |---------------| mDataSink |
| mMsgQueue | | mDataSink |◇ ------------------------------------------------+
|----------------------| |---------------|
| run | | log |
+----------------------+ +---------------+
3 消息系统
消息系统是Homebrain主程序的血脉, 贯穿与整个引擎系统中. 也是程序设计中解耦合的重要方法.
| |
| |
| +-----------------+ |
| | Message | |
| -->|-----------------| |
| +----------------+ / | what | |
| | MessageQueue | / | arg[1|2|3] | target |
| ----->|----------------| / | target |◇ ------+
| / | mMessages |-------/ |-----------------|
| / |----------------| mMessage | obtain |
| / | enqueueMessage | | recycle |
v / | removeMessage | | next |
+--------------------+ / | nextMessage | +-----------------+
| MessageHandler | / +----------------+
|--------------------| mMessageQueue /
| mMessageQueue |---------------/
| mMessageHandler |◆ -----------------+
|--------------------| mMessageHandler |
| dispatchMessage | | +------------+
| sendMessage[Delay] | | +-----▷ | Thread |
| handleMessage | | | |------------|
+--------------------+ | | | PID |
△ | | |------------|
| | | | run |
| | | +------------+
| v |
+-------------------+ +----------------------+
| RuleEngineHandler | | MessageHandlerThread |
|-------------------| |----------------------|
| handleMessage | | mMessageQueue | +--------------------------------------+
+-------------------+ |----------------------| |while(true) |
| run |----->| msg = mMessageQueue->nextMessage() |
+----------------------+ | msg->target->dispatchMessage() |
△ +--------------------------------------+
+-------------------+ |
| RuleEngineThread | |
| |
| run |
4 引擎设计
采用专家系统工具Clips进行前向推导, clips是工具也是一种语言, 提供c接口, 同时也支持脚本 独立运行, 所以规则引擎的设计其实就转变为clips脚本设计.
4.1 模型
4.1.1 设备模型
"devicetype": "oic.d.hue_bri_light",
"supertype": "oic.d.light",
"devicename": "飞利浦灯",
"manufacture": "Philips",
"iconid": "ic_default_light",
"version": "0.9.2",
"profile": {
"OnlineState": {
"tag": "在线状态",
"write": "F",
"read": "T",
"type": "enum",
"range": {
"0": "离线",
"1": "在线"
"value": {
"rt": "oic.r.switch.binary",
"iconid": "ic_default_switch",
"tag": "开关",
"read": "T",
"write": "T",
"type": "enum",
"range": {
"0": "关闭",
"1": "开启"
"unit": ""
"brightness": {
"rt": "oic.r.light.brightness",
"tag": "亮度",
"read": "T",
"write": "T",
"type": "int",
"range": "v >= 0 and v <= 100",
"unit": ""
4.1.2 规则模型
"description":"this is a example for rule definition",
"deviceCondition ":"on",
"title": "xxx",
"message":"Girlfriend Birthday!"
4.2 CLP语言
^ -----> comment, here we want is rule name.
| /
| / -----> MultiSlot
(defrule rul-0001 "this is an example" /
+-------- (and /
| (and -------------------------------------------------------
| ?fct_t1 <- (datetime ?clock ?year ?month ?day ?hour ?minute ?second $?others) ---+
| 1 (test (= ?year 2018)) | Condition: Fact
| layer (test (= ?month 06)) | (not use Template)
| (test (or (= ?day 20) (= ?day 21) (= ?day 22) )) ---+
| ) -----------\
| (or \------> Cell
LHSNode | (object (is-a TempSensor) ---+
| (ID ?id &:(eq ?id ins-0007A895C8A7)) |
| 2 (CurrentTemperature ?CurrentTemperature &:(> ?CurrentTemperature 50)) |
| layer ) |
| (object (is-a Light) | Condition: Instance
| (ID ?id &:(eq ?id ins-DC330D799327)) /-----> Cell |
| (onOffLight ?onOffLight &:(= ?onOffLight 1)) / |
| ) \ ------------------- ---+
| ) \ +--> timeout-ms
+-------- ) --------> SlotPoint | +--> retry-count
=> | |
+-------- (bind ?c (create-rule-context rul-0001 5000 5)) ------> create the rule context
| (if (eq ?c FALSE) then (return))
| (send ?c act-control ins-0007A895C7C7 CurrentTemperature 50) ---> action: device control
RHSNode | (send ?c act-control ins-DC330D79932A onOffLight 1)
| (send ?c act-notify 10000001 "tellYou" "Girlfriend Birthday") ---> action: message notify
| (switch-scene room1 commehome) ---> action: switch scene
+--------- (send ?c act-scene rul-1000) ---> action: active manual rule
/---> DEVICE is superclass
+ -------------- (defclass SmogAlarm /
| (is-a DEVICE) -------/
| /---- (role concrete) (pattern-match reactive) ----> can triggered by rule
Class | v (slot OnlineState (type NUMBER) (allowed-numbers 2 1))
| (not abstract) (slot PowerOnOff (type INTEGER) (allowed-numbers 2 1))
| (slot SecurityLevel (type SYMBOL) (allowed-symbols low normal high))
| (slot Battery (type NUMBER) (allowed-numbers 2 1))
+---------------- ) /
4.3 RulePayload设计
LHSNode Tree
********* "and": condition logic
*** LHSNode **
* *
*** "and" ***
/ ********* \
/ | \
child / | \ child
/ cond | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
********* +-------------+ *********
*** LHSNode *** | Condition | *** LHSNode ***
* * | | * *
*** "or" *** | "and" | *** "or" ***
/ ********* \ +-------------+ *********
/ \
/ \ "and": slot logic, only support "and"
/ cond cond \
/ \ +---------------------------+
/ \ | +------+ |
+-------------+ +-------------+ | | | |
| Condition | | Condition | Fact Instance | |
| | | | \ / | |
| "and" | | "and" | \ type / | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ \ / v v
| Condition <---> Device | TimeEvent
| SlotPoint <---> Property
| |
| |
v v
+-------------+ +-------------+ "&": cell logic
| SlotPoint | | SlotPoint | "|": cell logic
| | | | "~"
| "&" | | "|" |
+-------------+ +-------------+
| |
| |
v v
+-------------------+ +-------------------+
| Cell | | Cell | Compare Symbol: "=, >, <, >=, <=, <>"
| | | | Connective Symbol: "&, |, ~"
|(v > 10) & (v < 20)| |(v = 10) | (v > 20)|
+-------------------+ +-------------------+
4.4 CLP设计
(auto) (manual)
device property
profile rule online offline changed scene
TestCase --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
| | | | ║ | |
| | | | mainHandler | |
mainHander() | | | | ║ | |
v v v v v ▼ v v
MainThread ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
\ profile rule \ \ ║ \ \
\ json json \ \ ruleHandler \ \
\ \ \ | | ║ | |
\ \ \ | | ▼ | |
\ \ \ v T v T T v T v T T T T
RuleThread --------------+----------+---------+---------+---+-----+---------+---------+---------+---------+----->
^ T add | del | | \ | / | | | |
ruleHander() | | | | \ | / | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
+--\ +--\ +--\ +--\ v v v /--+ /--+ /--+ /--+
\ \ \ \+---------+/ / / /
T: timer (default 1s) \ \ \ | refresh | / / /
----------------------------->| |<----------------------------
| run |
| +--------+
(LHS) | ----▷ | USER |
+--------------------------------------------------------------+ / +--------+
salience | / △
| +-------------------+ / |
v | RuleContext | / |
+--------+ |-------------------| / /
+---| Rule-1 | | rule-id | / /
| +--------+ | timeout-ms | +---------+ +-----------+ +----------------+
| | retry-count |---------▷ | Context | | DEVICE | | SmogAlarm |
+-> +--------+ | current-try | | | |-----------| |----------------|
+---| Rule-2 | | start-time | +---------+ | ID |◁ ------| OnlineState |
| +--------+ | act-error | | UUID | | PowerOnOff |
| | unanswer-list | | Class | | Battery |
+-> +--------+ | response-rules | +-----------+ +----------------+
+---| Rule-3 | |-------------------|
| +--------+ | try-again |
| | unanswer-count |
+-> +--------+ | act-control |
| Rule-4 | | act-notify |
+--------+ | act-scene |
| +-------------------+
| +-------------------------+----------------------+------------+
| | | | |
| Action | | | v
+--------------------------> act-control ------------> act-notify -----------> act-scene | send-message
| (RHS) | ^ | ^ / | |
| act-step-control | | true | | true / | | success
| | | | | v | or
| | +------> make-rule | +------> make-rule | fail
| | | false (response) | | false (response) |
| v | v | v
| RuleEngineService -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
| ( HB ) ins-push txt-push msg-push
| ^ ^
| | | services
| | | +--------------------------------------------------+
Action +------> onEnter ----------------+ | | |
| ^ | ◇ |
| | | +-------------------+ v
+------> onExit --------------+-------+ | SceneContext | +----------------+
| ^ | | ----------------- | | (MS)service |
| | | | stime | |--------------- |
| | | | where | +--> enter start <--+ | master |
v | \ | target | | | | name:skey |
micro service | \ | action ----+--> story running <--+--- state |
(onStory) | \ | services | | | | ntime |
| | \ | zombies | +--> exit stop <--+ | saves |
| | \ |-------------------| | args |
+-------+------+ | \ | add-service | | |
| | | \ | del-service | +----------------+
v v | | +-------------------+
gradligth autolight |2 3 |
| |
^ ^ | |
| | | |
| | 1 +-----------+ swtich +----------+
| +------| gotosleep | ---------> | wakeup |
| stop +-----------+ to +----------+
| |
| start 4 |
4.5 引擎UML
+--------------+ | Condition | +------------+ +----------+
| Action | |---------------| | SlotPoint | | _Cell_ |
|--------------| | mSlotLogic | -----> |------------| ------>|----------|
| mType | | mType | / | mCellLogic | / | nSymbol |
| mCall | ^ | mCls | / | mSlotName | / | nValue |
| mID | \ | mID | / | mCells |◆ ---/mCells +----------+
| mSlotName | \ | mSlots |◆ ----/mSlots +------------+
| mSlotValue | -------+ +---------------+
+--------------+ 1:n | mActions ^ +-----------+ mCondLogic: and/or/not
| | | | mSlotLogic: and +------------+
+------------+ | +--------------+ | mCellLogic: &,|,~ | SlotInfo |
| RHSNode | | | LHSNode | | nSymbol: =,>,<,>=,<=,<> |------------|
| -----------| | |--------------| | | nName |
| mActions | | | mCondLogic | /mChildren | nValue |
+------------+ +--------◇ | mConditions | / +------------+
^ mConditions| mChildren |-/ +---------------+ ^
| +--------------+ | RulePayload | mSlots | 1:n
+----------\ ^ |---------------| |
\ | | mRuleName | ◆
+-------------+ \ | | mRuleID | +-------------------+
| DataChannel | \ | mLHS | mVersion | | InstancePayload |
|-------------| \ +----------◇ | mLHS | |-------------------|
| | -----------------------◇ | mRHS | /--| mInsName |
|send(payload)| mLHS |---------------| / | mClsName |
+-------------+ | toString() | / | mSlots |
△ ^ ^ △ +---------------+ / +-------------------+
| | | | | /
| | | | | |
+---------------+ | | +----------------+ | |
| | | | | |
| | | | ▽ |
+------------------+ | | +--------------------------+ +----------+ ◁ --+ +-----------------+
| RuleDataChannel | | | | DeviceDataChannel | | Payload | | ClassPayload |
mCloudMgr|------------------| | | | ------------------------ | |----------| ◁ -------------|-----------------|
+----◆ | mCloudMgr | | | | mDeviceMgr | | type() | | classname |
| | mHandler | | | | mHandler | +----------+ | superclass |
| +------------------+ | | |--------------------------| | mSlots | version |
| △ | | | onStateChanged() | | +---◇ | mSlots |
| | | | | onPropertyChanged() |-------------+ 1:n | |-----------------|
| | | | | send() | | | toString() |
| +------------------------+ | | +--------------------------+◆ ---------------------+ | +-----------------+
| | ElinkRuleDataChannel | | | △ ◆ mHandler | |
| |------------------------| | | | | | |
| | | | | | +----------+ | |
| | onRuleSync() | | | +-------------------------+ | | | +---------------+
| | send() | | | | ElinkDeviceDataChannel | | | | | Slot |
| +------------------------+ | | |-------------------------| | | +---> |---------------|
| | | | onProfileSync() | | | | mType |
| | | +-------------------------+ | | | mName |
| | | | | | mMin/mMax |
| +-------------------------+ | | mDeviceMgr | | | mAllowList |
| | CloudManager | | | v | |---------------|
| |-------------------------| | | +----------------------------------------+ | | toString() |
+--->| | | | | DeviceManger | | +---------------+
| registRuleSyncCallback | | | | -------------------------------------- | |
| | | | | | |
+-------------------------+ | | | registDeviceStateChangedCallback | |
| | | registDevicePropertyChangedCallback | |
| | | registDeviceProfileSyncCallback | |
+-----------------------------------+ | | setProperty | |
| +-----------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ |
| | |
| | +----------------------------+ +----------------+ |
| | +----▷ | MessageHandler::Callback | <----◇ | MessageHandler | ◁ ---------+ |
| | | +----------------------------+ |----------------| | |
| | | | mCallback | | |
| | | +----------------+ | |
| | +----------------------+ | |
| | | RuleEngineService | | v
| | |----------------------| mUrgentHandler +--------------------+
| | | mUrgentHandler |◇ -------------------------------------------------->| RuleEventHandler |
| | | | mCore +----------------------+ ------>|--------------------|
| | | mCore/mCoreUrgent | ◆ -------------> | RuleEngineCore | / | handleMessage |
| | | mServerRoot | |----------------------| / +--------------------+
| +--| mDeviceChannel | mEnv | mHandler | /mHandler |
+----| mRuleChannel | +-------◆ | mEnv |◆ |
| mOfflineInsesCalled | | |----------------------| |
|----------------------| | | driver() | |
| callInstancePush | | | | +------------------+
| callMessagePush | | | handleTimer | | RuleEventThread |
| setDeviceChannel | | | handleClassSync | |------------------|
| setRuleChannel | | | handleRuleSync | | mMessageQueue |
| handleMessage | | | handleInstanceAdd | +------------------+
+----------------------+ | | handleInstanceDel | △
v | handleInstancePut | |
+---------------+ +----------------------+ |
| Environment | |
| |--\ +---------------------+
+---------------+ \ CLP | RuleUrgentThread |
Clipscpp ------> clips6.30 |---------------------|
| mService |
| HBDatabase |
| (template class) |
/--------------◆ |----------------------|
/ mDB | mAutoCloseInterval |
/ | mDBPath mMutex |
| |----------------------|
| | updateOrInsert |
v | deleteBy | +--------------------+
+--------------+ | queryBy | | DeviceProfileTable |
|SQLiteDatabase| | | | |
| | +----------------------+ +--------------------+
| | | |
+--------------+ | |
^ mainDB() +---------------------+ | +------------------+
| | GatewayConnectTable | | | OCFDeviceTable |
| mDB | | | | |
| +---------------------+ | +------------------+
◆ | | |
+------------------+ | | |
| SQLiteTable | ◁ ------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+
|------------------| | | |
| | | | |
| | +-----------------+ +------------------+ +-----------------+
+------------------+ | RuleEngineTable | | SceneEngineTable | | HBGlobalTable |
| | | | | |
+-----------------+ +------------------+ +-----------------+
5 HttpHandler
自行百度craw, 一个非常快速和易于使用的C++微型web框架.
6 调试系统
6.1 系统监控(Python)
python写的monitor工具, 设计了很多调试规则的选项, 具体功能:
- 显示系统信息
- 设置各模块的日志级别, 配置调试clp的各个变量信息等
- 将日志输出到monitor端,可以进行过滤, 可配置rule的调试选项等
- 显示当前系统的中的所有设备实例, 根据类型可以查询, 设置设备属性, 或直接设置到引擎中.
- 新建,查看,编辑,删除规则(只有查看功能有效, 其他功能已屏蔽, 可以使用webpage完成操作).
- 执行一些定义好的模式, 或者直接发送"事实"触发规则
6.2 规则配置(JS)
基于restapi实现规则的配置与执行, 具体功能:
- 网关(桥:hue, konke)配置管理
- 设备的发现及控制管理
- 规则的编辑及管理
- 场景的编辑及管理