   /\                                                   \
   \_|                                                  |
     | z_0^h = sum_i^I(w[i, 0]^h * inputNode_i + b_0^h) |
     |                                                  |
     | hideNode_0 = tanh(z_0^h)                         |
     |                                                  |
     |   _______________________________________________|_
                                  |   __________________________________________________
                                  |  /\                                                 \
                                  |  \_|                                                |
                                  |    | z_0^o = sum_j^J(w[j, 0]^o * hideNode_j + b_0^o |
                                  |    |                                                |
inputNode:  I                     |    | ouputNode = softmax(z_0^o)                     |
hidenNode:  J                     |    |                                                |
outputNode: K                     |    |   _____________________________________________|_
                                  |     \_/_______________________________________________/
                                  |                              |
                                  |                              |
                                  |                              |
                                  |                              |
                                  |                              |
                                  |                              |
        I                      J  |                     K        |
                                  |                              |
                                tanh(z_0^h)                softmax(z_0^o)
      *****                  *****                    *****
    **     **  w[0, 0]     **     **   w[0, 0]      **     **
    *       * -----------> *  b_0  * -------------> *       *
    **     **            > **     **              > **     **
      *****             / ^  *****              -/ ^  *****
                      -/ /                    -/  /
                     /   |                  -/   /
             w[1,0] /   /           w[1, 0]/    /
                  -/   /                 -/    /
                 /     |               -/      |
      *****     /     /     *****    -/       /
    **     ** -/     /    **     ** /        /
    *       *        |    *  b_1  *         /
    **     **       /     **     **        /
      *****        /        *****         /
        .         /           .          /
        .         |           .         /
        .        /            .        /
                /                      |
          w[i,0]|             w[j, 0] /
                /                    /
      *****    /            *****   /                 *****
    **     **_|           **     **-                **     **
    *       *             *  b_j  *                 *       *
    **     **             **     **                 **     **
      *****                 *****                     *****

   ith inputNode          jth hideNode            kth outputNode

1 Intro

Above drawit, only one hiden layer with activation funciton tanh, and the output layer with activation function softmax(归一化指数函数).

The input layer: have I nodes, the ith node is \(x_i\).

The hiden layer: have J nodes, weight: \(\theta_{ij}\), activation function: \(tanh^{hiden}(z_j)\), shortening: \(a^h(z_j)\) and \(z_j = \sum_i^I \theta_{ij} x_i + b_i \label{z_j} \tag{1}\).

The output layer: have K nodes, weight: \(\theta_{jk}\), activation function: \(softmax^{output}(z_k)\), shortening: \(a^o(z_k)\). and \(z_k = \sum_j^J \theta_{jk} x_j + b_j \label{z_k} \tag{2}\)

\(tanh(z_i)\) and its derivative (equation only contain \(z_i\)):

let \(tanh(z_i) = \dfrac{1-e^{-2z_i}}{1 + e^{-2z_i}}\) then:

\[ \begin{align*} tanh'(z_i) &= 1 - tanh^2(z_i) \\ &= (1 + tanh(z_i))(1 - tanh(z_i)) \\ \end{align*} \]

\(softmax(z_i)\) and its partial derivative (equation not only contain \(z_i\) but also contain other z-nodes in denominator):

let \(softmax(z_i) = \dfrac{e^z_i}{\sum_k^K e^{z_k}}\) then:

\[ \left\{\begin{align*} \text{ if } i = j; \ \ \dfrac{\partial softmax'(z_i)}{\partial z_i} &= \dfrac{e^{z_i} \sum_k^K e^{zk} - e^{z_i}e^{z_i}}{\left(\sum_k^K e^{z_k}\right)^2} \\ &= softmax(z_i)(1 - softmax(z_i)) \\ &= a_i(1-a_i) \label{i_eq_j} \tag{3} \\ \\ \text{ if } i \neq j; \ \ \dfrac{\partial softmax'(z_j)}{\partial z_i} &= \dfrac{0 - e^{z_j} e^{z_i}}{\left(\sum_k^K e^{z_k}\right)^2} \\ &= -softmax(z_i)softmax(z_j) \\ &= -a_ia_j \label{i_neq_j} \tag{4} \end{align*}\right. \]

2 SE and CE

SE loss function:

\[ Loss = \sum_{k=1}^{K} \dfrac{1}{2} \left(a^{o}(z_k) - y_k\right)^2 \]

MSE(mean squared error): \(\dfrac{Loss}{K}\)

with \(\ref{i_eq_j}\) and \(\ref{i_neq_j}\), so the partial derivative of \(z_k\) (the kth output node):

\[ \begin{align*} \dfrac{\partial Loss}{\partial z_i} &= \dfrac{\partial \sum_{k=1}^{K} \dfrac{1}{2} \left( a^{o}(z_k) - y_k\right )^2}{\partial z_i} \\ &= \sum_{k=1}^K \left(a^o(z_k) - y_k \right) \dfrac{\partial a^o(z_k)}{\partial z_i} \\ &= \sum_{k \neq i}^K \left(a^o(z_i) - y_i \right) \dfrac{\partial a^o(z_k)}{\partial z_i} + \sum_{k=i}^K \left(a^o(z_i) - y_i \right) \dfrac{\partial a^o(z_i)}{\partial z_i} \\ &= \sum_{k \neq i}^K \left(a^o(z_k) - y_k \right) \left( -a^o(z_k)a^o(z_i) \right ) + \left(a^o(z_i) - y_i \right )a^o(z_i) \left( 1-a^o(z_i) \right ) \\ &\approx \left(a^o(z_i) - y_i \right )a^o(z_i) \left( 1-a^o(z_i) \right ) \label{se_z_k} \tag{5} \end{align*} \]

above, the last equation \(\ref{se_z_k}\) is because the softmax is 'one-hot' encoding, \(\text{ if } k \neq i, \text{ then } a^o(z_k) a^o(z_i) \approx 0\)

CE loss function

\[ Loss = -\sum_{k=1}^K H\big(y_k, a^o(z_k)\big) = -\sum_{k=1}^K y_k log a^o(z_k) \]

MCEE(mean crossentropy error): \(\dfrac{Loss}{K}\)

so the partial derivative of \(z_k\), for short: Loss to L, \(a^o(z_i)\) to \(a_i\):

\[ \begin{align*} \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial z_i} &= \sum_k^K \big(\frac{\partial L}{\partial a_k} \frac{\partial a_k}{\partial z_i}\big) \\ &= \sum_{k\neq i}^K \big(\frac{\partial L}{\partial a_k} \frac{\partial a_k}{\partial z_i}\big) + \sum_{k=i}^K \big(\frac{\partial L}{\partial a_k} \frac{\partial a_k}{\partial z_i}\big) \\ &= \sum_{k\neq i}^K \big( -y_k\frac{1}{a_k} \frac{\partial a_k}{\partial z_i} \big) + \big( -y_k\frac{1}{a_k} \frac{\partial a_k}{\partial z_i} \big) \\ &= \sum_{k\neq i}^K \big( -y_k\frac{1}{a_k} (-a_i a_k) + \big( -y_i\frac{1}{a_i} a_i(1-a_i) \big) \\ &= \sum_{k\neq i}^K a_iy_k + (-y_i(1-a_i)) \\ &= \sum_{k\neq i}^K a_iy_k + a_iy_i -y_i \\ &= a_i\sum_k^K y_k - y_i \\ &= a_i - y_i \label{ce_z_k} \tag{6} \end{align*} \]

we call \(\frac{\partial L}{\partial z_i}\) above is the middle calculate signal, the last output layer as oSignal, the hiden layer as hSignal, the signal equation is different between SE and CE.

3 Gradient

look back \(\ref{z_j}\) and \(\ref{z_k}\).

below is the weight hoGrad as the hiden node to output node just is the partial derivative of Loss to \(\theta\), the \(hoGrad_{jk}\) denote the partial derivative of Loss to the weight where from the jth node in hiden layer and target to the ith output node:

\[ \text{hoGrad}_{jk} = \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \theta_{jk}} = \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial z_k} \dfrac{\partial z_k}{\partial \theta_{jk}} = \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial z_k} a^h(z_j) = \text{oSignal}_k\ a^h(z_j) \]

and the bias obGrad: \(\text{obGrad}_k = \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial b_{jk}} = \text{oSignal}_k\ * 1\)

4 Hiden

let \(a_k\) short for \(a^o(z_k)\)

let \(a_j\) short for \(a^h(z_j)\)

let oSignal short for list \(\dfrac{\partial Loss}{\partial z_k}; k \in [1, K]\)

let hSignal short for list \(\dfrac{\partial Loss}{\partial z_j}; j \in [1, J]\)

if \(z_k = \theta_{jk} a_j + b_k;\ a_j = tanh(z_j);\ z_j = \theta_{ij} x_i + b_j\), then: \[ \left\{\begin{matrix} \dfrac{\partial z_k}{\partial \theta_{jk}} = a_j; & \dfrac{\partial z_k}{\partial b_k} = 1 \\ \dfrac{\partial z_j}{\partial \theta_{ij}} = x_i; & \dfrac{\partial z_j}{\partial b_j} = 1 \\ \end{matrix}\right. \label{d_weight_bias} \tag{7} \]


\[ \begin{matrix} \dfrac{\partial z_k}{\partial a_j} = \theta_{jk}; & \dfrac{\partial z_j}{\partial x_i} = \theta_{ij} \\ \end{matrix} \label{d_a_x} \tag{8} \]


\[ \begin{align*} \dfrac{\partial a_j}{\partial z_j} &= \dfrac{\partial tanh(z_j)}{\partial z_j} \\ &= \big(1+tanh(z_j)\big)\big(1-tanh(z_j)\big) \\ &= (1+a_j)(1-a_j) \end{align*} \label{d_tanh} \tag{9} \]

from \(\ref{d_weight_bias}\), \(\ref{d_a_x}\) and \(\ref{d_tanh}\), we can get the partial derivative of the jth hide node \(z_j\) by Loss is (each output node contain the weight of \(z_j\)):

\[ \begin{align*} \text{hSignal}_j = \dfrac{\partial Loss}{\partial z_j} &= \sum_{k=1}^{K} \dfrac{\partial Loss}{\partial a_k} \dfrac{\partial a_k}{\partial z_k} \dfrac{\partial z_k}{\partial a_j} \dfrac{\partial a_j}{\partial z_j} \\ &= \sum_{k=1}^{K} \dfrac{\partial Loss}{\partial z_k} \dfrac{\partial z_k}{\partial a_j} \dfrac{\partial a_j}{\partial z_j} \\ &= \sum_{k=1}^{K} \text{oSignal}_k \dfrac{\partial z_k}{\partial a_j} \dfrac{\partial a_j}{\partial z_j} \\ &= \sum_{k=1}^{K} \text{oSignal}_k \theta_{jk} \dfrac{\partial a_j}{\partial z_j} \\ &= \dfrac{\partial a_j}{\partial z_j} \sum_{k=1}^{K} \text{oSignal}_k \theta_{jk} \\ &= (1+a_j)(1-a_j) \sum_{k=1}^{K} \text{oSignal}_k \theta_{jk} \label{hsignal_z_j} \tag{10} \\ \end{align*} \]

for the partial derivative of the jth hide node's weight:

\[ \begin{align*} \text{ihGrad}_{ij} &= \dfrac{\partial Loss}{\partial \theta_{ij}} \\ &= \dfrac{\partial Loss}{\partial z_j} \dfrac{\partial z_j}{\partial \theta_{ij}} \\ &= \text{hSignal}_j * x_i \end{align*} \]

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