
1 Tags

Tag Description
@brief Brief description of class or function (fits a single line)
@details about class or function
@author Insert author name
@param Function or method parameter description
@param [in] Input parameter (C-function)
@param [out] Output paramter of C-style function that returns multiple values
@param [in, out] Parameter used for both input and output in a C-style function.
@tparam Template type parameter
@trhow Specify exceptions that a function can throw
@pre Pre conditions
@post Post conditions
@return Description of return value or type.
@code … <C++-Code>… @encode C++ code example.
@remark Additional side-notes
@note Insert additional note
@see SomeClass::Method Reference to some class, method, or web site
@li Bullet point

2 References

  1. https://caiorss.github.io/C-Cpp-Notes/Doxygen-documentation.html

  2. http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/preprocessing.html