
1 Example

A school is running a machine learning primary diabetes scan on all of its students. The output is either diabetic (+ve) or healthy (-ve).

  • True positive (TP): Prediction is +ve and X is diabetic, we want that
  • True negative (TN): Prediction is -ve and X is healthy, we want that too
  • False positive (FP): Prediction is +ve and X is healthy, false alarm, bad
  • False negative (FN): Prediction is -ve and X is diabetic, the worst

If it starts with True then the prediction was correct

If it starts with False then the prediction was incorrect

Positive or negative indicates the output of our program. While true or false judges this output whether correct or incorrect.

                                     |          Predicted (预测)      |
                                     |               |                |
                                     |    Positive   |    Negative    |
                                     |               |                |
                       |             |               |                |
                       |  Positive   |      TP       |      FN        |
                       |             |               |     去真       |
                       |             |   真正例      |    假负例      |
             Observed  |-------------|---------------+----------------|
                       |             |               |                |
             (实际)    |             |      FP       |      TN        |
                       |  Negative   |     存伪      |                |
                       |             |   假正例      |     真负例     |

TP + FP: 程序输出为Positive(+ve, labeled as diabetic)
TP + FN:

2 Term

  • harmonic mean: 调和平均数, 倒数平均数

  • Accuracy: 准确度

It's the ratio of the correctly labeled subjects to the whole pool of subjects. Accuracy is the most intuitive one. Accuracy answers the following question: How many students did we correctly label out of all the students? Accuracy = (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN)

瞧不出病的大夫,是个负责任的好大夫吗?当然不是!这也就是在分类问题上,为什么要引入F1 Score的原因. 患癌症的人毕竟是少数, 一个不会看病的大夫只要把人都判为健康, 准确度也是很高的, 其实他是个骗子

  • Precision: 精确度, 查准率 (预测)

Precision is the ratio of the correctly +ve labeled by our program to all +ve labeled. Precision answers the following: How many of those who we labeled as diabetic are actually diabetic? Precision = TP/(TP+FP) 预测为正的样本中实际正样本的比例 (在所有被预测为正类的样本中真实结果也为正类的占比)

                     ***********    ***********             A: 正确判为癌症(模型诊断筛选出患病的病人)
                 ****           ****           ***          B: 误判为癌症
               **              **   **            **        A + C: 癌症患者(所有真实癌症病人)
              *               *       *             *       A + B: 被判为癌症
             *               *         *             *      Precision = A / (A + B), 表明 判定'患病'的准确度
             *        C      *    A    *    B        *      Recall = A / (A + C)
             *               *         *             *
              *               *       *             *
               **              **   **            **
                 ****           ****           ***
                     ***********    ***********

                 实际为正的样本     预测为正的样本
  • Sensitivity(aka Recall): 灵敏度, 查全率, 召回率 (真实+预测)

医学: 病人中得出阳性检测的样本占病人总数的百分比;不漏诊(漏诊即应该为阳性被诊断为阴性)的概率.

Recall is the ratio of the correctly +ve labeled by our program to all who are diabetic in reality. Recall answers the following question: Of all the people who are diabetic, how many of those we correctly predict? Recall = TP/(TP+FN) 实际正样本中预测为正的比例 (在所有真实结果为正类的样本中预测结果也为正类的占比)

一个例子: > 若希望将好瓜尽可能多地选出来,则可通过增加选瓜的数量来实现,如果将所有西瓜都选上,那么所有的好瓜也必然 > 都被选上了(查全率高),但这样查准率就会较低;若希望选出的瓜中好瓜比例尽可能高,则可只挑选最有把握的瓜 > ,但这样就难免会漏掉不少好瓜,使得查全率较低.

  • Specificity: 特异性

医学: 健康人中得出阴性检测的样本占健康人总数的百分比;不误诊(误诊为应该为阴性但是被诊断为阳性)的概率.

Specificity is the correctly -ve labeled by the program to all who are healthy in reality. Specifity answers the following question: Of all the people who are healthy, how many of those did we correctly predict? Specificity = TN/(TN+FP)

  • F1-score (aka F-Score / F-Measure)

F1 Score considers both precision and recall. It is the harmonic mean(average) of the precision and recall. F1 Score is best if there is some sort of balance between precision (p) & recall (r) in the system. F1 Score = 2(Recall Precision) / (Recall + Precision) 精确率和召回率调和平均数

  • AUC

二分类模型的评价 Area under Curve(曲线下的面积)

Q1: 为什么不直接通过计算准确率来对模型进行评价呢?

机器学习中的很多模型对于分类问题的预测结果大多是概率,即属于某个类别的概率,如果计算准确率的话,就要把概 率转化为类别,这就需要设定一个阈值,概率大于某个阈值的属于一类,概率小于某个阈值的属于另一类,而阈值的设定 直接影响了准确率的计算.

3 References

  1. Accuracy, Recall, Precision, F-Score & Specificity, which to optimize on?

  2. Basic evaluation measures from the confusion matrix

  3. 翻墙: mAP (mean Average Precision) for Object Detection

  4. 为什么需要F1 Score,而不是Accuracy?

  5. F1-micro 与 F1-macro区别和计算原理

  6. 模型评估-性能度量(分类问题)